Tuesday, 07 December 2010 10:21
He said a Facebook account holder was found to have taken advantage of the technology to insult Islam and leaders of Malaysia.
"If the website content poses a threat to national security and insults Islam, then it is unnecessary to have Facebook," he told reporters after accompanying Perlis Facebook Association committee members to lodge a report at the Kangar police station on the insults hurled at Prime Minister Najib Abdul Razak and former Prime Minister Dr Mahathir Mohamad on a Facebook account.
The report was lodged by the association's deputy president, Mohd Faizuddin Ismail, at about 5.30 pm.
Shahidan said a report would also be lodged at the State Islamic Religious Department as the holder of the Facebook account had also insulted Islam, and added that the insults hurled at Najib and Mahathir were discovered by a member of the association on Nov 29.
Shahidan, who is Tambun Tulang assemblyman, said the Malaysian Communications and Multimedia Commission (MCMC), the Malaysian Islamic Development Department and the National Fatwa Council should act against the holder of the Facebook account. - Bernama
P/s: hilanglah kesronokan zaman fb kita yer lps ni..
millatfacebook kan ade hehehe
BalasPadamguna kemudahan dengan cara yang baik ^__^
BalasPadambukan mudah nak dapat kemudahan sekarang ni ^__^
adeh..biar betul..
BalasPadamtu la salah guna. kalau tak salah gune takpe.
BalasPadampndai2 la kan.
ala.. jgn la belok.. huk2~
BalasPadamtak der masalah pun kalau tak der, masa tak der face book pun ok jer, ada kita guna, tak der kita tak payah guna, guna ler yg lain plak....
BalasPadamhuh., bia betoi., tp facebook ni mmg fenomena l0r., chuu sendri kalau on9 1st thing msti bukak fb., knape ntah @__@
BalasPadamerr -.-'
BalasPadamhuhu parah
BalasPadamtakkan block pnye. hoho
BalasPadamhahaha... dasar penakot...
BalasPadamdiorang dah tau, ramai yanng kutuk kerajaan kt FB..
byk rahsia kerajaan dah mula terbongkar di FB..
aiceehh najib pown guna fb pa ahahahaha....
BalasPadamhehe..saya tak de facebook..
BalasPadamdiorang rasa terancam padahal yang lain tak pun.
BalasPadamHello my friend.
BalasPadamMy wife had surgery for cataract.
I help around the house.
The other eye Tuesday.
Good Sunday.
sial la ko shahidan.ko xtau gune fb pi la blaja ngan najib.